Cal - 1/15/2020

Callahan ate two big servings of French toast and ate strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch he ate a large serving of Whole 30 Chili with meat, peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and spices.  He ate most of his dinner roll and a large serving of pineapple/mango mix.

This first picture is leftover from yesterday afternoon when there were 4 kids left; Atley and Avi were doing Preschool activities and Svea was running back and forth across the room playing with Cal and entertaining him.  If you could see this in "Live" mode; Svea running toward the window and Cal is headed toward the gate.  :)  They were both loving it and giggling.

Next picture; First thing this morning Atley said, "Hey Gary!!  Cal standing up!! Cal standing up!!" And he momentarily did, but when I said, "Hey Cal, stand up."  This picture is what he did.  Haha.  Later I managed to get the second picture.  His balance is really coming along so now it's just whenever he decides he wants to go!!

Last picture:  Svea, Cal, and Linnea all playing with the legos.  And they are all doing something different with them.  Svea was filling her purse, Linnea was starting to build something, and Cal was watching the girls and sticking the legos in his mouth.  haha


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