Cal - 1/16/2020

Callahan ate two servings of waffles and two servings of cherries for breakfast.  For lunch he ate some of everything;  meatloaf, whole wheat tortillas, sweet potatoes, and cherries.

I get such a kick out of Cal when the music starts; He starts jiving, twisting, and dancing.  It's so cute and very obvious how much he likes the music.  I didn't notice it much until we started using "Alexa" and lots of the music (the kids choose) has a much faster beat than what I have on the iPod!  Haha!

First picture; Cal was pushing the trucks and cars around just like he knew what he was doing.  :)  Obviously has learned it from observation here or at home - most likely both places!!  The cars in the pictures have batteries, but he was using them the "old fashioned" way!!  Haha.

Next picture:  Every time I take a picture like this I always make mention of the fact that I seldom get a picture with almost everyone in it.  (Where everyone is busy!)  Miles was sleeping, but here are the 5 other kids.  Last picture; I was keeping a close eye on Callahan playing near Miles, but he has not been aggressive at all with Miles.  Nice job Callahan!!  He started doing his upside-down maneuvers.  Just about every child goes through this stage; exactly like you see Cal doing in the picture.


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