Cal - 1/22/2020

Callahan ate whole wheat toast and ate mangoes for breakfast.  For lunch he ate a large serving of pulled pork, no whole wheat dinner roll, ate some peas, and ate all his strawberries.

It's been substantially more quiet around here this week with Linnea and Avilene gone.  Avi got her tonsils out on Monday and Linnea is at Disneyland.  Only having 4 children seems easy!!  Haha!  In the first picture Callahan was standing on the mattress, then he'd bounce up and down.  Three or four times he let loose and plopped down on the mattress.

Next picture: Well if you saw the blog yesterday then this picture will look familiar!  He went right back to doing the same maneuver.  That made me laugh Callahan.  Except today he just sat there with his butt hanging over and played with one hand and hung on with the other hand!!  :)  Following picture:  He was practicing Standing up and Sitting down!  You have pretty good balance little guy!!

Next picture;  Callahan and Svea were peeking into the igloo to see what Atley was doing in there.  Last picture;  Atley and Svea built some towers with the big blocks and they were pretty well convinced Cal's primary goal was to destroy those towers!!  And they were basically correct!!  :)


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