Cal - 1/29/2020

Callahan ate two servings of French toast and two servings of strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch he ate a large serving of Paleo stew with meat, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, and tomatoes.  He ate saltines and a large serving of tropical fruit.

This first picture is from yesterday afternoon.  Moments before I took the picture Cal was standing on the blocks not touching anything.  His balance is getting better all the time.  I tried to get him to do it again so I could take a picture!!  Haha!!  "That's not happening Gary."  He plopped right down on his butt.  :)  Anyhow, I like how he's using an object to stand on and explore what he can't reach!!

Next picture;  Cal was working to get into the middle of Svea's project.  She was busy clearing blocks off the shelves.  After I took this picture Callahan used the blocks to stand on and then crawled up on the top of the block shelf.  (Just to the right of where Svea's head is at.)  He was perched up there like a big shot - pretty proud of himself!!  Haha!

Next picture: Cal had crawled on the top shelf (first time I've seen him do this) and Svea got on the bottom shelf.  I like how he's peering over the edge to watch her.  Avi was pretty concerned about Callahan being on the shelf.  "Shall I get him off of there!?!  Shall I get him off!??"  Haha!  No, he's fine.  He got up there and he'll get down.  (Which he did very easily.  On his tummy, feet first.)  Last picture:  Oh boy, I see a tower I can push over!!  However, he has to get past Svea first and that's not as easy as it first appears.  Haha!!  Actually he does pretty good.  He's figuring out that when they yell at him that he needs to back off.  And he DIDN"T push this tower over.  Good job Callahan!!


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