Cal - 2/26/2020

Callahan ate two servings of French toast and one or two bites of strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch he ate a few bites of Paleo Stew with meat, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, and green beans.  He also ate some saltines and tropical fruit.

I had a third picture of Cal from this morning, but it didn't want to download to my computer so the Blog will be a bit short today.  Callahan had his usual good morning.  He played steady all morning until he started getting tired about 11:00.  So we ate lunch a few minutes early.  In the first picture he is handing different toys to Miles.

This last picture is pretty cute.  Atley is really the only kid that talks about Callahan walking.  Here she is watching his progress.  I like the contrast with Linnea to the left.  Linnea was WAY more interested in her bandaid than anything else happening in the room.  Haha!  Atley had (again) yelled out the news;  "Cal is walking!! Cal is walking!!"


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