Cal - 6/24/2020

Callahan ate whole wheat toast and three servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch he ate everything;  pork roast, whole wheat tortillas, carrots, and fruit salad.  I'm sure I've mentioned this in the past, but just an FYI: my servings are large compared to what the Federal Food Program calls a serving!!

This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon when Cal was playing on one of the little climbers.  He'd just gone down the slide on his belly face-first, so I had the camera ready for round two!!  But round one didn't look like a pleasant experience and he only did it once.  Good job Callahan!  Second picture: Miles and Nora were the second family to arrive and Cal always spend a few minutes with Miles first thing in the morning.  He was handing Miles some toys, but ended up tossing them to him.  Or more accurately, pitching them fast-ball at close range.  :)

Next picture: Nora and Callahan are under the blanket.  You can obviously see Cal's feet and left arm and hand.  I got them all covered up and Nora said, "Please spin us Gary."  Ok, but only two or three spins.  I learned my lesson several years ago spinning Cooper Cline when he was about Cal's age.  Cooper was LOVING it and we (Nora Boyle, Riley Cline, and I) were spinning him like crazy.  All of sudden Cooper's face turned color and out flew the vomit!!  Yikes.

Next picture: Cal doing what Cal does!  :)  He loves watching himself in the mirror while climbing on the igloo.  He's actually under control pretty well.  He's cautious when he's up there and gets down carefully and smoothly.  Last picture: Atley had a Doctor's appointment so she arrived late and I'm posting this picture of the kids waving at Momma Megan primarily because I like how it goes from tallest to shortest.  (With Avilene standing on the floor filling the "shortest" spot!)  Miles did not join the line-up!


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