Cal - 7/16/2020

Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat English muffin and two servings of mandarin oranges for breakfast.  For lunch he ate ground beef, no whole wheat elbow noodles, ate peas, and applesauce.

This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon and Avilene was playing with the two little boys.  Avi is so great with the little kids; gives them lots of attention and consequently they both really love and enjoy her.

Pictures from Cal's morning: Atley brought some kind of "rabbit suit" with her and Cal was ok with her putting it on him two or three times.  :)  Following picture: Climbing climbing climbing!  Haha. Hanging onto the faucet to pull himself up.  He makes it to the top of the igloo many times each day and then carefully slides back off.  One of these days he'll just start leaping off onto the mattress. Third picture: Playing with the Superman/Batman toys with Svea.

Last picture: It was not an easy morning for Miles until he pooped and then life was good again.  (He frequently struggles with pooping.)  Here's Cal checking out his buddy.  He sure loves his Miles friend!  I think I heard Cal say something like; "Why the tears Bro?!?"  :)


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