Cal - 6/18/2020

Callahan ate brown rice and raisins for breakfast.  For lunch he ate salmon, whole wheat dinner roll, cauliflower, and mangoes.  

First picture: This started with just Gideon and Callahan playing in the chair.  They were kind of 'taking turns' (if you use your imagination - ha) giving each other rides.  Then Nora came and jumped in too and shortly after that Atley arrived to play with the chair as well.  

Next two pictures; Gideon and his Mommy went to visit some people and these two were playing so cute as usual.  Callahan was moving in on Miles, but Miles just kept on chewing on a little piece of nothing he had found.  :)  Last picture: More togetherness and cuteness by the car ramp.  This time Miles is a bit more engaged in playing with similar things that Cal is playing with.  


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