Cal - 9/29/2020
Callahan ate most of raisin cinnamon English muffin and ate grapes for breakfast. For lunch he ate a large serving of chicken, bites of brown rice, bite of broccoli, and ate a large serving of pineapple.
Cal was watching me take out Nora's ponytail. Then he kept pointing at his hair wanting a ponytail. So I pretended like I was putting a pony in his hair. When I was done I said, "Oh pretty." Cal said, "Welcome." Haha.
First picture; I was laughing because Cal took off one sock, but left on the one striped sock. Atley yelled, Cal only has one striped sock." Haha. Second picture; Avi was coaxing Cal to watch her do several Preschool activities. When she told me about it she made it sound like it was all his idea.
Next picture: Cal has frequently been bringing me some obscure thing he just found; usually a piece off hair. This time he was saying, "booger Gary, booger." Haha. Ok, I'l get a tissue. Last picture: I was changing Miles' diaper and Cal poked his head over the dress-up rack apparently to check on progress and see if his buddy was gonna make it out ok. :)
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