Cal - 11/11/2020
Callahan ate two servings of French toast and ate strawberries for breakfast. For lunch he ate two bites of hearty paleo stew with meat, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, and sweet potatoes. He ate saltines and tropical fruit.
This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon. (There's a LOT more snow than this today!!) You've heard this before, but I like an occasional picture with all 6 kids. Side Note: We'll try to go outside occasionally in the winter, but by myself it's almost always a challenge. The three oldest girls can pretty much get themselves ready. That's only part of the challenge. We'll get outside and one of the diaper kids poops, someone gets cold, mittens get soaked, then some want to go back inside, some want to stay outside, etc. So we'll do the best we can.
Next picture: Callahan was initially just pushing Miles in the chair around and around. Then Cal decided Miles needed some phones. Then he needed some sea creatures. "Oh heck, I'll just join you Miles!!" "That's fine Cal my Pal, except now there is no one to push the chair!!" :) You have to listen very closely to hear these conversations!!
Next two pictures; He's pretty brave to stand up there, but he really doesn't do anything risky at this point. Which is obviously good in my opinion. Haha. Then he was wrapping his legs around the igloo and trying to slide down the side and that was pretty funny and cute. :) Last picture: Joining Svea in using the combs. Svea has much more practice staring at the mirror and she knows you're supposed to look in the mirror when you comb. Haha.
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