Cal - 11/19/2020

Callahan ate blueberry bagel and three servings of peaches for breakfast.  For lunch he ate pork roast, whole wheat tortillas, carrots, and fruit salad.  Speaking of meals the Program Monitor for CACFP (Federal Food Program) wanted to do one of their monitoring sessions today via Zoom.  Haha. Ok, that's fine with me as long as you don't mind the kids doing what kids do!!  I sat the computer on the art supplies cabinet and the three oldest girls were jumping up and down in front of the monitor so the lady could see them.  :)  But she was happy because I had all the proper paper work.  Thank you Parents for faithfully signing in-and-out which is one of several documents she needs to see.  

First picture is from yesterday afternoon and Cal gave Miles a ride in the wagon down the sidewalk.  He actually made it down and back and down again.  I turned the wagon around for him.  He gives you rides in the chair AND the wagon Miles.  Second picture is also left over from yesterday afternoon when we went across the street to get a close-up look at the neighbor's decorations.  Cal is in the back of the red wagon and Miles is in the front.  

Next picture:  The two little boys busy busy busy.  They have food toys, sea creatures, and cars at the moment I took the picture.  Last picture:  I took this picture of Cal messing with the combs because this was fascinating him and I saw him doing this several times this morning.  


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