Cal - 11/24/2020

Callahan ate a bite of cinnamon raisin English muffin and ate grapes for breakfast.  For lunch he ate pork roast, ate whole wheat toast, beets, and applesauce.  

First picture:  The city clean-up crew was very busy picking up leaves this morning and the kids were loving it!!  There was 4 different machines for the kids to watch.  Let's just say the activity kind of "upstaged" waving at the Parents this morning.  :)  Daddy Colin made a good choice and went the opposite direction.  Ha.

Next picture:  Well you could read yesterday's Blog and see the picture where Cal was pushing Miles in the chair.  Exactly the same scenario and same words.  Cal pushed fast and then said, "My tired. My tired." Haha.  The kids love their routines and as caregivers it makes our job so much more manageable and predictable.  Following picture:  I just think it's adorable when they're sitting tight together on the couch. They only have one toy and there is rarely any hollering or bickering because of that.  I attribute that to temperament!!  Little cuties.

Next picture:  After breakfast I came around the corner and here's where Cal and Svea had chosen to play. They were being very quiet and we all know that is sometimes sketchy!!  Last picture;  All three of my youngest kids on the couch.  Callahan was trying to play with Svea's ice cream toys, but he was hindered on two fronts!  One, Svea wasn't keen to the idea of him joining her ice cream play.  Secondly, it's hard to play and get an ear exam at the same time!!  Haha.  Miles wasn't being aggressive about this, just gently probing Cal's ear!!  


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