Cal - 12/08/2020

Callahan ate half of waffle and ate grapes for breakfast.  For lunch he ate chicken, whole wheat tortillas, corn, and baked cinnamon apples.   

First two pictures were taken about 1.5 hours apart, but they're doing the exact same thing.  Just in a different location.  Playing with the cars.  Miles is right at the age where he can have the exact same toy, or almost the same, and still want the one someone else is playing with.  In the second picture; 2 or 3 times Miles turned loose of his car and grab Cal's car.  Or at least he was trying to grab it.  Cal did a good job of defending his goods.  Haha.

Next picture:  The boys doing some reading on the couch again.  (Miles is in the "laid-back chilled-out" position) I love how much these two play in close proximity to each other.  Even when the play doesn't necessarily involve close interaction like the above 2 pictures.  

Last picture:  Cal hasn't shown too much interest in the puzzles (at Daycare) yet and maybe this is the reason why!! Haha.  I was watching Cal mess with the puzzle and Svea immediately took over, grabbed the piece and was "showing him where it goes."  


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