Cal - 12/14/2020
Callahan ate Cheerios and banana serving for breakfast. For lunch he ate ground beef, two servings of whole wheat pita bread, ate avocado, olives, and two servings of strawberries. When Atley asked for more pita bread at lunch she asked, "And could you warm it up and put on butter?" Haha. Yup, I can do that. I don't allow "special orders," but that was totally reasonable. :) So I toasted it and Nora wanted her's that way and then Cal ordered more "toast." Haha.
This first picture is left over from Friday afternoon. I already showed Emily one picture, but I like this one better. Atley is feeding Miles his cottage cheese and Avilene is feeding Callahan. Miles has his mouth open wide, but still keeping an eye on Cal. Haha. So cute. The big girls LOVE to be helpers!! And this is a big help to me too. I'm free to take a picture!! Haha.
Next picture: Cal was the first one here, then Atley. She went and sat by him in the cozy corner and I love his amused look while observing her. "You are one silly girl." (My words - his thoughts! Haha) Following picture: Cal was messing with this dress-up thing and said, "Cal broke this." LOL!! No buddy, that's the way it's made. That made me laugh.
Next picture: Svea was saying, "try to get me Cal, try to get me Cal" and he was squealing and running along after her. When this age group plays "chase" it's more like a game of "follow the leader." They usually are not trying to "catch" someone, but just having a blast in the process of running. Following picture; It was time to sit down and catch their breath. Atley and Nora were also running.
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