Cal - 12/22/2020

Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat English muffin and two servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch he ate half of his pork roast, ate whole wheat toast, bites of beets, and ate applesauce.  When I wash the kids hands at meal time I always sing and lately it's been; "scrub a dub dub, scrub a dub dub, wash those germs away.....clean those hands today."  Anyhow, Cal was watching me help Svea and he started singing it.  That was pretty cute.  He picks right up on anything musical!!

First picture;  This was the first thing Cal played with when he was the only one here.  You can see at the bottom of the ramp his car is a blur!!  Right beside his right hand is a button that makes car noises and he discovered it today.  Honestly, I didn't even know it was there either!  Haha!  Second picture;  Just about every day this past month or two Cal has been building a tower with the blocks.  Look at Miles laying on the mattress watching him.

Miles rarely pushes Cal's towers over, but it happens.  So just in case you think Miles is an angel, check out the Last picture: Callahan was working hard to lay out the doll blanket.  Then he picked up his baby to wrap it and the blanket's gone!!  What the heck!?!  Look at Miles' expression; totally focused on Cal's reaction!!  Kids!  :)  Miles kept doing it so I stood between them so Cal could get his baby wrapped up.


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