Cal - 01/18/2021

Callahan ate cheerios and two servings of banana for breakfast.  For lunch he ate ground beef, two servings of whole wheat pita bread ("Can I have it toasted and buttered?" - following Atley's lead for second serving - ha), ate avocado, ate olives, and fruit cocktail.  

This first picture is left over from afternoon snack on Friday.  Look how Nora has her mouth open while feeding Cal some cottage cheese.  It's hard for me to not open my mouth when feeding the babies too.  Lauralea and I always laughed at each other feeding babies.  Second picture:  Miles was watching Cal work on a little wooden tower.  I was most impressed that Miles didn't try to interfere with Cal's work.  As soon as Cal moved on to another toy Miles started building a tower with good success too.  

Next two pictures; As soon as the girls moved on from playing with the dolls, the boys took up residence on the couch; sitting on the doll blankets.  First picture;  Cal is peering over the edge like "where'd Cal go!?!"  Ha.  Following picture;  Miles just sat and watched as Cal pulled and tugged, tugged and pulled with all his might, but the blanket never budged at all.  I doubt if Miles knew what Cal was trying to do!  

Next picture;  It was fun watching Callahan and Svea play their version of "chase."  Svea asked, "Hey Cal, do you want to catch me!?!"  They chased around for at least 20 minutes.  Svea said, "Hey Gary! Cal's catching me!!"  They never did try to actually grab or catch each other!!  Which makes my job more pleasant!!  :)


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