Cal - 01/20/2021

Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat toast and ate grapes for breakfast.  For lunch he ate pork roast, half of whole wheat tortilla, ate carrots, and three servings of fruit salad.   

First picture;  Miles (with drill in hand) is clearing the shelves of the stacks of blocks.  And every time he knocked some off he'd say, "oh oh, oh oh."  Haha.  Miles, we say "oh oh" when it's NOT done with intention.  Haha.  Second picture: So Miles got most of the blocks on the floor and Callahan started building towers.  You can see Miles stacking up a couple of them himself.  Cal also noticed that and apparently assumed Miles was stacking them just for Cal to use.  Haha.  Cal went and took Miles' blocks and said, "Thanks Mau Mau!"  LOL.  Goofy suckers.  

Next picture:  The three big girls were doing Preschool activities in the Preschool Room and all three of the young ones are in the igloo.  Svea and Cal said it was their "Cave."  Playing peacefully I'm thinking because I'm not hearing any yelling, screaming, or crying!!  Which was pretty amazing and impressive to have three little ones in such close proximity for any length of time.  Good job little people.  Last picture:  Miles got tired of being inside the igloo so he moved out and sat in the entrance with a blanket over his head.  Hahaha.  Miles worked hard to get that blanket completely over his head, but he got it!!  Cal and Svea are still inside the igloo.


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