Cal - 01/28/2021

Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat waffle and two servings of fruit salad for breakfast.  For lunch he ate ground turkey, whole wheat tortillas, no sweet potato, and ate cherries.  

This isn't about Callahan, but I'm giving you the opportunity to read it anyhow!!  Haha.  Warning # 1: If a farting story is too crude then skip this paragraph!  Warning # 2!  You'll miss a good story if you skip this!!  Yesterday afternoon Atley did a very loud and boisterous toot!  Svea said, "Awww...Ewww...that was Gary!"  Avi said, "No, that was Atley!" Svea said, "Trust me!  That was Gary!!"  LOL!!  (I certainly hope Atley took that as a compliment!)

First picture;  I took this picture when it was just these three kids here this morning.  Music was playing (Lollipop Lollipop) and they were marching around and around.  And you can see Miles was clapping. Following picture:  "I think she went this way!!" "No, I think she went that way!!"  :)  Third Picture: Then Nora was burying the two boys under pillows.  At least you can see Callahan's feet sticking out.  Yup, those are his socks.  

Next picture:  Miles was playing with the blocks and then Avi joined him making a mess with the blocks. And then she blamed all the mess on him!!  Haha.  Originally Callahan was NOT in the picture, but he dropped in with perfect timing!!  Good work Cal!!  Last picture:  So what do the boys do doing "Science with Lauralea!?!"  Well they pretty much do what boys do!?!!  And this picture tells the story!


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