Cal - 02/11/2021
Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat English muffin and ate mandarin oranges for breakfast. For lunch he ate ground beef, no whole wheat elbow noodles, ate most of peas, and ate applesauce.
First two pictures are from yesterday afternoon. The boys were helping me pick up blocks and Cal would hand it to Miles and Miles would hand it to me. Cal got a bit too fast and in the picture Miles looked at Cal, dropped the one in his arms to take one from Cal. Haha. Second picture; both boys are intently watching one of the big girls perform. haha. I think it was Avi.
Next picture: Cal "reading" to Miles (and himself) and he was singing, "teddy bear turn around, teddy bear turn around," So cute. Atley yelled, "No, that's Pooh Bear." And it was. Haha. (The book Cal has his foot on.) Following picture: Avi and her two boys. And apparently she's got em trained too! Ha. They had the swivel/rocker going around and around.
Last picture: Today was "Science with Lauralea" for the Preschool kids. We've been doing a "weather" theme lately and today was specifically "freezing." Miles and Cal got to watch this one. Perfect weather for this experiment; throw some hot water in the air. We asked the kids first; "Do you think Lauralea can make it snow?!?" Yup, they all think she can work magic; except for Atley. "Noooo!" But she did and here's a picture to prove it. Frozen water particles everywhere!
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