Cal - 02/19/2021

Callahan ate oatmeal and half of dried cranberries for breakfast.  For lunch he ate half of salmon, half of whole wheat elbow noodles, ate green beans, and applesauce. Miles and Callahan take their naps as soon as they are done with their Lunch. They have a routine telling everyone goodnight, but it's cute because they tell each other goodnight too. Cal says, "night night Mau Mau" and Miles waves! So cute!

This story involves Miles and Cal, but it's actually Nora's story. But hey, it will fill up some space in Cal's Blog!! :) This was two days ago and I saw what happened when Miles fell and kind of hit his head on the back of the chair. Enough to make him cry a little bit. (He's a tough little guy and when he cries a LOT I know he's hurt a lot! This was not one of those times.) Nora heard him cry and came running from across the room and started chewing on Callahan for hitting Miles! Ha. Hey Nora, you didn't even see it happen. She said, "Well I just know!" How do you know? "Because I'm smart!" LOL. Yes, but this isn't about how smart you are; you simply didn't see it happen and I did. Believe me, she was NOT convinced. Haha. When it comes to her Brother Miles, Nora is the arresting Officer, Prosecuting Attorney, and Jury all wrapped up in one feisty little girl with pink fingernails. Haha.

First picture: The boys were reading in the cozy corner and then moved to the couch. When they started reading on the couch it was with the opposite books you see in the picture and then they switched. Nice job boys. You'll notice Miles has his book upside-down which is so typical for this age group, but as I always say....Stop me if you've read this joke before...they get twice the mileage out of each book. Haha. Second picture; Cal is laying on a block and sliding down the slide. He took the block to Miles when he was done and said, "Ok Miles, it's your turn." :)

Last picture: Cal is putting a legos flower on his legos piece, but notice the legos flowers on the corners of the yellow bench. There are holes in the corners (drain holes for outside play) and Cal likes to put flowers in there. They actually fit pretty tight and Miles has a hard time getting them out. Miles was so happy (he was clapping to celebrate his success) to get one out and put another one back in. 


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