Cal - 02/25/2021

Callahan ate two servings of whole grain waffle and ate fruit salad for breakfast. For Lunch he ate ground turkey, ate whole wheat tortillas, bites of sweet potatoes, and ate cherries.  

Cal is speaking in so many full sentences now; very cool and he's doing so well with his language. And he's funny! During breakfast time in his highchair he just randomly said, "Animal cracker in my soup." That's while we're eating waffle and fruit salad. Haha. (That is part of a song just in case there happens to be someone reading this that isn't aware of that.)

Speaking of silly: This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon. Cal had this doll blanket and was wiping it along the floor. He said, "Clean the floor. Clean the floor." Ha. 

In the next picture Miles noticed Cal was pushing the chair around and around and Miles went to join in the fun. In the following picture Cal took off his sock and flung it over the gate in the general direction of the cubbies. (That's a daily routine!) Then he sat down and asked Miles for assistance with the other sock. Miles pulled hard enough to scoot Cal off the end of the ramp, but Miles did eventually manage to pull the sock off. Ha. In the last picture Miles had completed his daily chore of clearing the top of the block shelf! Cal obviously thought it was a fine place to flop down and take a rest. Miles was busy was the task at hand; putting a couple of wooden blocks together. 


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