Cal - 04/16/2021
Callahan ate oatmeal and dried cranberries for breakfast. For lunch he ate Tilapia, three servings of whole wheat elbow noodles, green beans, and three servings of applesauce. The last two servings I put the applesauce on top of his elbow noodles. (At his request.) He ate a LOT! Haha.
Cal said he wasn't gonna wave at Momma this morning and he followed through with that. Ha. Well at least he wasn't showing partiality this week; he didn't wave at Dad one day either. But the reason I even mention this is because Miles still went to the window and was waving at Maddy and Bubba. AND Miles was saying, "Bubba Bubba Bubba" as you drove by. That's obviously an easy word for him to say because he doesn't say much. Good job Miles.
First picture: Woot woot!! Look who's jumping off the first level of the igloo this morning!! :) Way to be brave Cal!! When I say first level I'm referring to the top of the igloo entrance. That's almost always the natural progression of their jumping braveness. Although he's been playing on the very top too, so I'm sure it won't be too long until he's a "top jumper." :) And look who's watching! A future jumper!! :) Ok, here's an update: Cal just started jumping off the top of the igloo.!! That didn't take long! (About 20 minutes and he'd moved to the next level!) Haha. Now he's obsessed with doing it!! I love it.
Next picture: Cal and Miles doing some coloring together. (Miles first time.) Cal asked to do stickers as well and we did a few of those. I like the last picture: Alexa was playing and Cal was singing along; "The ants go marching one by one, hurrah hurrah..." Cal was marching back and forth holding onto his flashlight.
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