Cal - 04/21/2021
Callahan ate two servings of French toast and ate strawberries for breakfast. For lunch he ate most of Whole 30 Chili with meat, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, tomato sauce, and with delicious seasonings. He ate whole wheat dinner roll and ate tropical fruit.
First picture: The boy Miles - he loves to fist bump. That's putting it mildly!! I have to fist bump him every day when I lay him in his crib for nap. My favorite is when he wants to fist bump random strangers at the fence by the sidewalk!! Haha. So Miles and Cal were "fist bumping" and then Cal would flop over backwards on the mattress. And Miles would laugh and giggle!! Over and over and over.
Next two pictures: Cal apparently likes to hang up his toys. Haha. Dinosaurs and some boots. Ha. He's been doing this with the boots all three days this week. I didn't see who did it on Monday, but he wasn't as sneaky Tuesday and today. Ha.
Next picture: Cal asked to do some coloring; Miles wanted to do it too. Then Cal asked to do some stickers; Miles wanted to do it too. (This was the first time for Miles and stickers here.) Miles did 2, but then he didn't want to touch the sticky part again. Ha. The paper Cal is doing in the picture - the stickers are an assortment of foods. Cal called his pretzel a "butterfly." I could see that!!
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