Cal - 04/30/2021

Callahan ate a large serving of oatmeal and ate baked cinnamon apples for breakfast. For lunch he ate half of his hamburger stew with meat, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, and potatoes. He ate half of whole wheat dinner roll, and ate fruit cocktail.   

This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon when we were playing outside. The Spring bugs are alive and well and they love to congregate on the garage wall. Miles and Cal were having a grand time stalking the bugs. (Believe me the bugs don't have much to fear from these two fellers! Ha.) Miles is immensely interested, but when a bug actually shows up he gets a bit timid. See the picture and look at his body language. I think I heard him say, "Ok Cal, you can take it from here!!" :)

Next picture: Miles was content to sit/lay on the couch while Nora and Cal piled pillows and toys on him. But he got irritated when Cal stretched out like you see in the picture and then kept pushing his head closer and closer to Miles. The problem: That is where Miles had his feet/legs stretched out. They were both at yelling at each other. Time for Gary to intervene. 

Last picture: Initially Avi was in the chair with Miles and Callahan was providing the power! Then Avi coaxed Cal into the chair and she was running around and around as fast as her legs could go. If you zoom in on both of the boys it's pretty cute. 


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