Cal - 06/15/2021
Callahan ate two servings of toasted and buttered whole wheat English muffin and three servings of grapes for breakfast. For lunch he ate most of pork roast serving, most of whole wheat toast, ate most of his beets, and ate applesauce.
Atley is gone this week and the other 3 girls are doing morning swim lessons so for over an hour it's just the boys here. I was prepping Miles and telling him that Kelsey (their babysitter) was gonna pick up Nora. It went like this; "Kelsey is gonna take Nora to swim lessons and you're gonna stay with Gary." Callahan made an important addition. "And Cal." Yes, that's right! "You're gonna stay with Gary AND Cal." :)
First picture: I took this picture when these three kids were at the window waving bye - as both families arrived at basically the same time this morning. So there is a rabbit in the picture too - in case one of the families thought the kids were a bit distracted at the window! :) You can zoom in and see the rabbit just over the top of the trailer wheel and a bit to the right. :) Of course Miles is looking it the other direction! Second picture; Doing selfies with Gary!!
Next picture: I'd just put on the clean mattress cover - Miles had soiled it with some poop yesterday - and they acted like it was the best thing that's happened in their young lives. Ha. Cal said, "This is SO nice Gary!!" LOL I'm glad you like it. Third picture: The boys were fighting over the Griz pillow you see to the right of Cal's shoulder. They both wanted it on their heads. Of course there are 3 identical pillows, but when you're 2 - 3 years old that sometimes doesn't help! :)
Next picture; Nora had just returned from Swim lessons and was supervising Cal trying to pull Miles in the wagon. Cal was determined to get the wagon to move; "with my strong muscles." He tugged and pulled and managed to go a few feet. Cal said, "This is not working." Ha. Last picture: The boys had spotted one of the resident beetles and they do get pretty big; or at least comparatively speaking for what we usually see in our yard. This picture pretty much tells the story. Nora wants to see it, but she doesn't want to see it!! :)
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