Cal - 06/16/2021

Callahan ate two servings of French toast and two servings of strawberries for breakfast. For lunch he ate most of Whole 30 Chili with meat, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, tomato sauce, and spices. He ate bites of whole wheat dinner roll, and ate topical fruit - mangoes and pineapple.  

When Cal arrived he had Alexa play "Baby Shark" over and over.........and over......and over again. :) Then he noticed me doing something on the Blogs and saw the "little circle" in the middle going around and around. He asked, "Is that loading?" Ha. Yup, Dang kids act like they know all about modern technology! Hahaha. But here's my favorite comment from Cal this morning: "Are these my fingernails on my toes Gary!?!" Haha. Nope, those happen to be your toenails. :)

First picture; Nora spotted "Lu Lu" on the shelf and so Lu Lu was talking to the kids. Too bad you don't get to hear Lu Lu sing in her high-pitched voice. :) It's quite alarming, but that is for Children audiences only. We don't want to frighten the adults. Following picture; The boys were initially "hiding" from each other and then they started knocking on the wall and peeking around the corner. They found it to be hilarious and were laughing hard; especially Miles.

Next picture; We were outside waiting for Nora, Avi, and Svea to return from swim lessons. The boys were having fun with these "noodles." It's amazing how much enjoyment the kids have had with these noodles from the Dollar Store!! In the following picture they were both on the climber and Cal said, "I'm driving and I'm going to see Nora and Sophie!!" :) I wanna go too!!

Last picture: The boys played on the airplane teeter-totter for several minutes. Cal was doing most of the work as Miles is just learning. Cal was furious when Miles bailed off - and that's essentially how he got off - just flop off!! Ha. Cal yelled, "Miles! Get on!"


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