Cal - 07/21/2021
The reason for this note is to inform everyone there will be NO BLOGS tomorrow Thursday the 22nd. The State ChildCare Licensor will be here doing an in-home thorough inspection after lunch during the time I normally do the Blogs. Blogs will be back on Friday the 23rd.
Callahan ate two servings of French toast and two servings of strawberries for breakfast. For lunch he ate most of Whole 30 Chili with meat, peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and spices. He ate bites of whole wheat dinner roll and ate tropical fruit.
Ok, well I'm pretty loaded up with pictures here for Cal, but that's a good thing. More pictures; less writing!! Cal cleared off the couch again, got some books, and brought my pillows!! Haha. He said, "Gary! I'm ready!!" Second picture: Cal and Miles working on some Art using markers and stickers.
More pictures doing outside time!! It took me about 15 tries before I could get a picture with both of them looking at me at the same time. Haha. For like 1.23 seconds, but I was ready!! Following picture: Playing with the car ramps again. And in the third picture the boys are on the tail-end of the airplane. I got these pictures when the boys were the only ones here for about an hour this morning.
Last picture: Stinking little cotton-tail bunny rabbit leaving his turds in our lawn! Maybe it's good fertilizer for the lawn, but Miles is just a little TOO interested in it!! Cal is interested too, but isn't so inclined to pick it up for closer inspection!! :)
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