Cal - 10/21/2021

Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat toast and ate mangoes for breakfast. For lunch he ate ground beef with marinara sauce on whole wheat spaghetti noodles, ate half of his cauliflower, and ate fruit salad.  

This first picture is from yesterday afternoon. Svea and Cal are both on their phones and is sounded like they were inviting Nora and Sophie Boyle to their picnic. Super cute. 

Next picture: The happy couple!! Haha. Well if you look closer, maybe not real happy. Haha. (You can see Miles protesting with his elbow!!) Miles was laying there with his toy and Cal moved in and scooted closer and closer. And of course Cal knew Miles wasn't too thrilled. :) Following picture; More hide-n-seek similar to yesterday. And in the same location. Miles at the top of the picture and Cal at the bottom. Silly boys.

It's a little crazy around here today - just in case you had any doubts!! Haha. The excitement level of the three Kindergarten Girls has been high and extra high! So the Blogs are probably gonna be shorter and then we're gonna start working on fixing Brownies while the boys are napping. Two pictures: We were decorating pumpkins and I decided to try an experiment using crayons and a hair dryer. The kids had fun watching Gary make a mess; the air blowing from the hair dryer was a bit too strong! Haha.


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