Cal - 10/26/2021
Callahan ate half of his waffle and ate grapes for breakfast. For lunch he ate chicken, two servings of whole wheat tortillas, ate corn, and two servings of apple slices.
As I've mentioned many times I frequently - basically daily - ask the kids what they did "last night." So today it was funny to listen to Svea quizzing Cal. "Cal, what did you do last night?" He said, "I watch the show." So she started asking about "specific" days; "What did you do yesterday?" "What did you do Friday?" "What did you do Thursday?" My favorite; "What did you do tomorrow?" Haha. He started giving silly answers to every question.
I was in the swivel/rocker by the mattress and Cal started clearing the stuffed animals off the mattress. Every time he'd turn his back I'd toss some back onto the mattress. He eventually saw what I was doing, but it was pretty funny (to me - haha) up to that point!!
First picture; The boys were on the couch just being goofy and covering their eyes for Lauralea. Over and over of course.
Next picture: Cal is doing some of the puzzles from the toy and puzzle exchange and his Tutor is keeping a close eye on him. Ha. This particular puzzle has sound effects too so that adds to the enjoyment. Last picture: Cal and Svea played with the food toys for a LONG time. He was calling her "Mommy" and she was definitely playing the role. :) Svea had plates of food lined up beside him and Cal said, "Mommy I need some milk." She got him some milk. He said, "It's good; my milk is not spicy." Then, "Hey Mommy, I want more milk!" Svea said, "You cannot drink more milk because I can not get you milk all the time!!" Haha.
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