Cal - 10/27/2021
Callahan ate three large servings of French toast topped with three large servings of strawberries for breakfast. (The boys love it that way! And they remember every time! "Put this on top of that!") For lunch Cal ate a couple bites of Hearty Paleo Stew with meat, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and carrots. He ate saltines and mangoes/pineapple.
First picture - Svea is taking a picture of the boys this morning. She told Cal where to stand and Miles joined them. At least for a few moments. (Miles took off shortly after I took this picture.) Cal was saying, "Cheese, cheese, cheese." Following picture: Svea had built this "boat" and the kids were filling it with their food. (For a journey I'm thinking!) They were into the "boats" this mooning. Later Cal was "riding" on three or four blocks he'd hooked together and that was his "boat" too.
Next picture: Cal had requested Alexa to play "Frozen" and the kids were excited and doing laps around the mattress. Cal kept saying, "Welcome to the party everyone! Welcome to the party everyone!" Haha. Last picture: Cal asked for one of the flashlights and here he's using it to do a close examination of his car.
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