Cal - 10/28/2021

Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat English muffin and two servings of mandarin oranges for breakfast. For lunch he ate a large serving of ground beef, ate whole wheat elbow noodles, ate his peas/carrot mix, and ate applesauce. Initially he was picking out the peas, but he ended up eating the carrots too. Nice job Cal.

Cal told me; "TuTu is the Grandma. Pappy is the Grandpa." I said, "That's really cute Cal. I'm gonna put that down." He said, "In my Blog?!?" :) Yes, in your Blog and here it is. 

The boys were running to the window to wave bye at Emily and Miles' number one concern was making sure that Cal knew it was "Me Mom! Me Mom! Me Mom!" Haha. It cracks me up and they ALL do that!! I remember one little Boy at the window looking at his waving competitor and said, "That's my Stinking Dad!!" Oops, I think that was most likely a "Gary-ism!"

First picture: Cal and Miles were on each side of me on the couch and the entire time we were doing selfies both boys were playing with wooden "pizza cutters" that they frequently use as lollipops!! Haha. Goofy kids. Second picture: Cal asked if her could play with some sunglasses - which I keep on the shelf - and I took this picture shortly after. I can't believe these cheap "dollar store" sunglasses have lasted this long. 

Next picture: Cal was just finishing his breakfast when he asked if he could do some puzzles. Svea got her chair and scooted over close so she could watch his progress. When he was doing his second puzzle she decided to get a puzzle of her own. I can always tell when Cal is about to get bored with the puzzles because he starts wanting Svea (or me) to show him where every piece goes. Ha. 

Next picture: Cal was covering Miles with every pillow, blanket, and stuffed animal he could find! Miles is under there! You can see his arm in the mirror. Last picture; They were lining up and jumping off, but I could never get a picture of them all going at the same time. Cal is slipping off the pillow on this shot. Ha.


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