Cal - 11/11/2021

Callahan ate waffle and three servings of mango/strawberry for breakfast. For lunch he ate turkey burger, some whole wheat tortilla, most of sweet potato, and ate half of his cherries.  

Yesterday afternoon Avi and Nora - along with Svea - were hiding eggs and Svea wanted to continue that this morning. So she hid eggs - 19 of them - and then coached Cal where to look. Ha. In the picture; she had eggs hidden on the top of the dress-up rack and she said. "Get up on the couch Cal." :)

Next picture: After breakfast Cal asked if he could play with the Mr Potato Heads and as you can see I have lots of accessories. I think there are 7 heads and a basket of accessories. Cal said, "This is gonna be so cool!!" Haha. So cute. The following picture is another Preschool Construction Activity and I'm not sure what it's called. Cal is learning the Preschool Rules and doing well. Probably the biggest difference is this rule; "Put away your activity before moving on to another one." He still likes to "dump and run" frequently! Haha. Like he did with the dress-up clothes this morning. :)

Next picture: This puzzle is a bit of a challenge for Cal and so Svea was coaching him along. It's great practice for color identification and number identification. Last picture; And then Svea read a couple of books to the boys. Cal was more interested in his own book. 


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