Cal - 11/18/2021
Cal ate two servings of French toast and ate dried plums for breakfast. For lunch he ate pulled pork, whole wheat toast, half of peas/carrots, and ate strawberries.
I've been expecting this to happen and it came out yesterday; thanks to Miles!! Haha. The boys were arguing over Svea!! Miles said, "My Va Va, my Va Va." And of course Cal started repeating it too!! :)
This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon. It was starting to get dark so I turned out the lights for the boys and their flashlights. They loved being able to see the light beam so much better. Following picture; Cal was trying to give Miles some pointers on solving the puzzle. Cal was saying, "Turn it around, turn it around." Which is what he hears me (and Svea) saying to him. Miles managed to get 3 pieces by himself which I think is a good start.
Next picture: The boys are patiently waiting for Svea to gather up some food and laying it out for them. ha. Finally Svea said, "Ok Miles!! Stop saying Me Me Me!!" LOL! Following picture: These guys were all building with the legos and working hard. I said I wanted a picture. I usually DON'T say anything and here's the reason why!! They lined up for their picture!! Hahaha. Cracked me up!
Last picture; We haven't done "Golf Ball Art" for a long time so we got it out. Cal enjoyed it for a short time and then he was ready to quit. "I'm done, I'm done." Ha.
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