Cal - 12/13/2021

Callahan ate bran cereal and several raisins for breakfast. For lunch he ate bites of chicken covered with avocado, bites of whole wheat pita bread, ate cucumber, and ate his pears.

I asked him if he had a wonderful fun birthday weekend and apparently "Mac-n-Cheese" was the highlight! Haha. (He told Molly Nelson the same thing.) He never said any thing else about the weekend!
A random comment by Cal; "My Dad likes football." What does your Mom like? Cal said, "The News." That hit my funny bone!! Poor Mommy.

We did a toy, book, and puzzle exchange and Cal wanted to do some puzzles. First picture; He did this one first and was successful. Good work Cal. Second picture: Cal was doing some drumming and singing; "Up with Montana Boys." :) Then he said, "Good ole Grizzlies fight song." Ha. So cute. Third picture: It was snowing heavily and the boys were at the window watching the flakes come down. Miles looked up and saw the reflection of a room light and said, "Sun." It does look like it!

Here are a couple pictures from the Preschool Room with Svea. Cal was sorting colors using the "pinchers" to pick them up. (Helps with dexterity development.) Svea was keeping an eye on Cal's progress, but she was also busy at work with the little legos. Last picture: Cal and Svea were at the Doll House and both of them were excited to see all the different accessories in the bin.


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