Cal - 12/30/2021
Callahan ate a large serving of French toast covered and mixed with a large serving of strawberries for breakfast. He and Miles love it that way! For Lunch he ate Ground beef, most of whole wheat elbow noodles, most of his peas, and ate applesauce.
Everyone was super happy to see the Hansen kids back today. Atley and Nora immediately were jabbering and laughing and ready to play! When the kids were at the window waiting to wave bye to Daddy Ryan and Daddy Colin, Atley was in "Making Nora Laugh Mode!" Haha. She was banging her forehead on the window just so Nora would laugh. Goofy kid! I've seen that a few times!! :)
First Picture: This is the first thing Miles and Callahan did; play one of their favorite games. They pretend it's a "door" and knock on it and peek around at each other. Then they change positions becasue you can only knock on one side! Ha. (Miles is on the "knocking side.")
Next picture: The boys were doing some Art at the table and showing Lauralea their work. Cal told her; "It's not done yet!" Two times this morning Miles went into the kitchen to give Lauralea loves. Following picture: The boys were "skiing" and Cal went first and then watched Miles give it a try. Cal said, "I think he doesn't know how to ski!" Ha.
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