Cal - 01/11/2022

Callahan ate half of his whole wheat English muffin and ate grapes for breakfast. For lunch he ate pork roast, whole wheat toast, bite of beets and ate his applesauce. This isn't about Cal, but I thought you'd like it. At breakfast we were talking about the Nelson Kitty - Vera - and I told Svea that Lauralea has an aunt named Vera. "Aunt Vera." Svea said, "Are you really NOT joking!?!?"  Haha. She knows her Gary!! True, for once I'm not joking. :)

First two pictures: This first one is from yesterday afternoon beside the Doll House. Second picture: they were back there again this morning and Cal is the one who wanted to go there first. Svea is very creative and comes up with scenarios that have LOTS of moving parts. For the most part Cal goes along with it and frequently adds to it. In the first picture Svea was saying something like this: "The Dad is over there, the Unicorn Mom is here, and the Unicorn babies are here. Time to go to camp everyone!"......etc, etc.

Next picture: They had on several pieces of dress-up cloths and Svea was saying things like this: "Cal, knock on the next door over here." I asked what they were doing and she said, "Knocking on doors collecting candy!!" I guess they are staying in practice in case Halloween comes early this year. Side note: Many years ago we had a little boy knock on our door in January asking if we had any Halloween candy left. I told him we had just ran out! :)

Next picture: They decided it was time to take a nap and Svea said, "Find a place to sleep." Svea laid on the couch and Cal went to the cozy corner and both wanted a doll blanket. Last picture: No one was injured playing this game!! Svea was hopping over Cal and they'd trade places and he'd hop over her. 


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