Cal - 01/28/2022
Callahan ate half of brown rice and half of his raisins for breakfast. For lunch he ate a large serving of salmon, ate whole wheat dinner roll, bites riced sweet potato/cauliflower, and ate peaches.
This first picture is basically the first thing the boys did after waving bye to Momma Emily at the window. (Just an FYI, the Blog pictures are generally in chronological order.) And the kids frequently go right to the thing they like the best or at least in their top five!! :) Cal and his Tinker Toys; making various weapons and lots of sound effects! Miles was thinking about sorting the colored bears, but look where his focus is actually directed! Ha. Moments after I took the picture he was doing puzzles.
Next picture: Fun with the tape measures. I asked, "How tall is Miles?" So Cal measured him and said, "51 Inches." Haha. I guess we'll work on the concept of "width and height" at a later date! Ha! Following picture: Back at the Doll House. Cal was busy piling all the accessories in front of Miles while Miles was chanting; "More, More, More, More!!" :) Lauralea came by and stated the obvious, "Boys play with things different than the girls do." LOL. I know I've told you all this before, but I like repeating stuff like this: (Haha!) Probably 20 years ago there was an 18 month period when Lauralea and I had 11 boys and 1 girl in our Group Home Program. Yup, we can - paint with a wide brush - and say with certainty; "Boys play with things different than girls do."
More pictures: Doing some Dot Painting at Art Time and then coloring some coffee filters so we could spray water on them. I showed them how to push down on the markers and make big dots and then it's fun to watch the colors spread when the water hits the dots. I like how both boys are "double-fisting" their markers and pushing down hard. Last picture: The boys were singing "Ring Around The Rosy" and doing their version of the exercise. The favorite part? "We all fall down!" Of course. :)
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