Cal - 03/08/2022

Callahan ate toasted whole wheat English muffin and two large servings of grapes for breakfast. For lunch he ate no pork roast, half of his whole wheat toast, no beets, and a large serving of applesauce.

The kids spotted someone walking their dog and sprinted to the window to first pound on the window to get their attention and then wave. When they were done Svea said, "Gary! The good guy was here!!" So cute. Here's the back story: This man lives on Rainbow Drive and frequently walks his dog. It's obvious the man has some physical limits and always looks kind of sad so I've made a point of having the kids always greet him. (His daughter told me he really likes it.) It always brings a smile to his face. Thanks kids for bringing some cheer to his day. Side note: I was telling Lauralea about the "old guy" and Lauralea said, "I think he's younger than you." LOL!! He probably is.

Today's Notable Quotes from Cal:
"Do you know what my Pappy has?!?" No, what does he have? "He's got stuff. Stuff at his house!"
"Diarrhea means you're going bad poop."
"You don't have to be sorry; that was an accident."

This first picture is leftover from yesterday afternoon. We were taking turns and having 2 kids at a time in the fort. Cal & Miles, Svea & Nicole (or "Nickel" as Miles calls her), Avi & Hudson. :) Second picture: The boys were riding on the "boats" they made. Meanwhile, Svea had her own agenda for the boys and gave them their schedule for the following hour. Haha. She said, "Ok, you have 40 minutes to butt bomb, then we're gonna have dinner, and then we go to bed." The boys smartly said "ok" and kept on playing. :)

Next picture: These two said they were "taking a nap" and after several attempts I actually got a picture of them with both "sleeping." Haha. Svea had a pretty elaborate bed laid out and made Cal sleep on the couch. Haha. Last picture: What are you doing Cal? "Sitting on my boat watching those guys." (Those guys were Svea and Miles going backwards off the balance beam onto the mattress.)


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