Cal - 03/09/2022

Callahan ate half of his whole wheat toast and ate a large serving of strawberries for breakfast. For lunch he ate bites of Whole 30 Chili with meat, peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and spices. He ate half of his whole wheat dinner roll, and ate a large serving of mangoes. 

First picture: I helped the boys build some steps to the top of the legos table. (In front of the mirror.) That kept them busy for a long time this morning. It always amazes me how a slight change by doing something different can keep their interest for a long time. 

Next picture: Shortly after Svea arrived she took Cal into the Preschool Room, over by the door, and slowly opened her bag for him to get a peek of whatever goodies she brought from home. She cracks me up. She makes quite a production out of many things and I love it. Cal seems to be ok with it too! Haha. He never complains, but patiently waits for her to lay out the goods. :)

Last picture: "Do Play Dough! Do Play Dough!" Those were Miles' first words coming through the door this morning. I told him we'd wait until after breakfast so Svea could join us too. And sure enough as soon as breakfast was over he was ready for Play Dough. Svea and Cal were enjoying the Play Dough as well. Svea was rolling her's into long "snakes" and then cutting into pieces with Play Dough scissors. 


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