Cal - 04/21/2022
Callahan ate several bites of French toast and ate his dried plums for breakfast. In the middle of breakfast Miles said, "I want mangoes." Haha. For lunch Cal ate two servings of pulled pork, ate whole wheat toast, peas, and two servings of strawberries.
After Cal was done drinking some water today he said, "I'm gonna drink water every day because it's im-PER-tant for you!" Yes it's very important. :)
Cal was doing a puzzle of sea creatures. He started quizzing Lauralea about her "favorites." "What is your favorite Sea Creature?" "What is your favorite Vegetable?" "What is your favorite Puzzle" "What is your favorite Toy?" And more. It was very cute and she loved it.
This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon when the boys were searching for flies using the "bug-slapper." In this picture you can see Miles pointing and he was saying, "There's one! There's one!" It was well above the door. Cal said, "It's too high; we can't reach it." Then Cal added, "We can't fly." THEN after a couple more seconds Cal asked, "Gary, do have any wings for us!?!" LOL! Oh that made me laugh! Nope, sorry Cal, I'm fresh out. However, that was a great idea!! The FIRST thing Miles said to me when he walked in this morning; "Gary, Do you have any wings?" Haha.
Next picture: Svea was starting to fix some beds here and the boys got on the bottom shelf. Svea told me, "We're pretending this is our bunk bed." Or at least she was pretending that! Two seconds later the boys decided there was not nearly enough room for the both of them and they baled out and took off!! Haha. Following picture: Svea was repairing a Doll House toy for Cal and Miles was intently watching. When she finished Cal got the piece and took off. I asked Cal, "Why didn't you tell Svea Thank You?" Cal said, "Because I was afraid to." Haha. "Well try to overcome your fear and go tell her thank you." And he did.
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