Cal - 04/26/2022

Callahan ate no waffle and ate bites of grapes for breakfast. For lunch he ate bites of chicken, ate whole wheat tortilla, corn, and ate his apples slices.

This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon. Miles is getting a bit too big for the pink pajamas I've been putting him in, so these are his "new" PJ's. Only ONE problem; Cal used to wear these! And Miles remembered that. He wasn't very thrilled about the whole idea and it's getting warmer so I'll probably drop the Pajamas anyhow. When I took this picture Cal was explaining to Miles what Miles already knew! Haha. Cal to Miles: "Did you know these were mine when I was a kid?!?" Lol. Earlier, Cal had asked me; "Did you know those used to be my pajamas here?" Me: "Yes I knew that. Did YOU know I was the one who put those PJ's on you every day?" Cal; "Yes." Haha.

Next picture: Svea brought Goldfish again for the kid's morning snack. They all love the Goldfish and she mostly does a very good job of sharing. (Once in a while I have to intervene.) One day Svea brought "Pirate Booty," but it was not nearly as popular as the Goldfish. Following picture: They were asking to do some Play-dough and the kids had fun with it for a long time. 

Last picture: The boys were having fun jumping and rough-housing on the mattress. Then Cal came up with what he thought was a grand idea!! "Hey Miles!! Do you wanna do a Butt-Bomb on me?" Haha. Sorry boys, but that is not a good idea. Someone will get hurt. (And they moan their disappointment. Ha.)


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