Cal - 04/27/2022

Callahan ate French toast and Strawberries mixed together for breakfast. For lunch he ate Hearty Paleo Stew with meat, green beans, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and peppers. He ate two servings of saltines, and ate mangoes.

First picture: I took this shortly after the boys waved bye to Momma Emily. Both of them were in a great mood and they even wanted to work on the same puzzles!! This is good practice for Social Skills because ya know there's gonna be some conflict!! Ha. Actually they did 3 or 4 puzzles together and finished them all. Good work boys. Second picture: So they went from Puzzles to looking at Preschool books. Both of the boys were calling these "Bedtime Stories."

Next picture: What is this about? I'll give you a hint: Svea was sharing her morning snack with the boys again. This time it was Pirate Booty and they snarfed it down. Did you guess! Answer: Licking up the crumbs from Pirate Booty. :) Last picture: The kids coloring some coffee filters and then we sprayed water on them and they all turned out very pretty. 


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