Cal - 04/28/2022

Callahan ate most of his toasted whole wheat English muffin and ate mandarin oranges for breakfast. For lunch he ate ground beef, bites of whole wheat elbow noodles, ate peas, and applesauce.
I combed Miles' hair this morning and Cal said, "Now he looks like Nora." Wow, good observation Cal. I agree. 

First picture: The boys being silly and acting like little boys. :) Love these two guys. Second picture: The boys having fun in the cozy corner. Initially they were "hiding" from me. Then Miles closed his eyes and said, "Good night Cal." Cal said, "See you in the morning." :)

Next picture: Svea was showing Cal the goodies she brought from home today and this microscope was a special one. Svea said, "I have something in here that can talk to you Cal." And sure enough, it could.

Next picture: We had fun outside this morning. When I took this picture Cal was explaining the reason he wasn't available to go on a ride with the other two; Holding up the tennis ball he said, "I'm heading to my lesson." So Svea told Miles; "After Cal's lesson we're going to Florida." So then she started asking Cal, "Do you want to go on our Florida ride Cal!?!" Svea told him to "ask his teacher." Last picture: Initially Miles was the driver, but he couldn't maneuver past the post so Svea finally said, "The Queen can pull." Hahaha. So she was pulling for a couple minutes, but they finally just gave up and walked to Florida. :) Svea said, "We can walk."


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