Cal - 05/04/2022

Callahan ate most of his whole wheat toast and ate grapes for breakfast. During breakfast Miles randomly said, "I'm eating like a pig!" Svea laughed and said, "He said he's eating like a pig!" Ha. That's because YOU told him that same thing yesterday! For lunch Cal ate a bite of pork roast, ate whole wheat tortillas, ate carrots, potatoes, and fruit salad.

First picture; Cal was laying on the floor saying, "Jump over me!" I guess Miles needed some reassurance that Cal really meant it!! "Can I jump over you!?!" Haha. Of course. What could possibly go wrong here!?! :)  Second picture: So this is becoming a morning ritual. Svea brings the snack and shares it with the boys. 

Next picture: Svea and Cal having fun experimenting with the Magnetic tray activity. I think Cal has 5 items dangling off his handle. Following picture: These three were working real hard at the "I Spy" book. Svea was asking the questions and the boys were looking for the answers. Good work kids.

Last picture; Svea had a few crumbs left over from her crackers she'd shared earlier!! Now she's got Cal eating out of her hand!! Silly kids. We had fun outside this morning. The kids were finding random bugs and making a "nest" for them in the dump truck. 


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