Cal - 05/05/2022

Callahan ate blueberry bagel and three large servings of peaches for breakfast. For lunch he ate hamburger & sausage pizza, with meat, peppers, pineapple, olives, and tomato sauce. Ate bites of whole wheat pizza crust (on the side) and bites of pineapple.

So I heard Miles and Cal arguing over some toy this morning. Cal said, "Well when you leave, when your Mom picks you up, then I will have it!!" Of course this was 8:40 this morning - a few hours before pickup time! Ha.

This first picture is left over from yesterday afternoon. Cal wanted Svea and Miles to look at him. "Hey Guys! I got my hearing aids on!!" LOL! Cal has watched intently many times as I've inserted my hearing aids and this hit my funny bone. :)

Next picture: Svea worked hard on these Potato Heads yesterday while the boys were napping. Svea chose not to eat breakfast, but she managed to provide some Breakfast entertainment for the boys. Most of these were still intact from yesterday and she had to explain each one to the boys. And introduce each one to the boys as well. She said her favorite is "Party Girl." Ha.

Last picture: After breakfast Cal joined Svea creating with the Potato Heads. And there is lots of extra accessories. Haha. This cracks me up and he loves to make me laugh! He said, "Look Gary! I got some hands!" Ok Professor Boyle. :)


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