Cal - 05/16/2022

Callahan ate bran cereal and no raisins for breakfast. For lunch he ate chicken topped with avocado, ate bites of whole wheat pita bread, ate cucumbers, and ate his pears.  It was SO fun to see the Daycare kids after spending a glorious week in Louisiana with my family. Thanks again to Lauralea for making that happen. She kept me posted on a daily basis how things were going here at the Daycare. So I have a couple of pictures from last week that I'm gonna post first.

Svea Asking Cal, "Do you know what holidays are?" Cal said, "What!?!" Svea continued, "Christmas is a Holiday." "And then that holiday when we eat chicken." Haha.

First picture: The kids were dropping dandelions in the water and then watching them go floating by in the irrigation ditch. :) Second picture; Svea and Cal were laying in this merry-go-round and calling it a "boat." And the "Boat is going to New York City!" :)

We did a toy, book, and puzzle exchange this weekend and the kids had fun and stayed busy all morning. I took this next picture when the kids were waiting for me to do Story Time. I liked how they were looking at each other! Last picture: Svea was working on this puzzle and the boys were watching for part of it. They started trying to help and she told them to stop because "you're gonna make me wreck it!!" Haha.


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