Cal - 06/15/2022
Callahan ate two servings of whole wheat toast and ate mangoes for breakfast. Mommy picked him up before Lunch.
First picture; Cal really likes Atley and she likes him as well. When she realized he wasn't gonna be here the rest of the week she said, "I'm gonna miss Cal. I'm gonna think about him all the time." So sweet. Cal had been chasing her around before I took this picture and he was saying, "You mess with me; I mess with you!!" Haha. In the picture they're looking at the Birthday Poster. Cal loves it because their birthdays are in the same month. "The Christmas Tree" month on the calendar. Second picture: More of the same - hanging out with Atley. And this is what he did the majority of the time we were in the house. He'd ask me; "Can I watch Atley!?" "It's fine with me, but why don't you ask her." And she always said, "yes."
Here are 3 pictures when he wasn't attached to Atley. He and Miles did some drawing - primarily because Atley was doing some Art as well. Cal said he was drawing a "ginormous dinosaur." Side note for those who like Trivia. I Googled the word - Ginormous is basically slang, but it's been around for awhile. It came out of World War II from the British. :) Middle picture: Cal reading a book. Last picture: We did spend some time outside and here the boys are heading out on a Fly Hunting Trip. (Somewhat different than Fly Fishing! Ha. Gary Humor.)
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